Sunday, September 23, 2007

Stepping Out

Well its now only 4 days until I officially start what I plan to be the next step up the ladder in triathlon and leave full time employment. I've been very blessed with the job I've had for the last few years, having generally flexible hours and days and a boss who's understood it if I’ve come in 15 minutes late because I'd been training before work. But in order to make the progress that I want to and believe is within my grasp, I need to make this move and start training full time.

I've reached the point where I just won't be able to challenge right at the very top unless I'm doing what they (the top athletes) are, so this triathlon malarkey has to become my full time job! I'm definitely NOT doing it for the money... I'd stay in IT for that... Or the fame... Lets face it awesome athlete that he is Tim Don doesn’t have the recognition that Lampard, Wilkinson or Hamilton can claim. The very fact that I only need use either their first or last name and most people would know who I'm talking about is indication enough of this. No, I'm doing this because it’s been my dream for A LONG TIME, it’s something I truly believe I can do and I guess most importantly it’s something I feel I SHOULD do.

Whilst it might sound likes it’s going to be a nice life and easy going I can assure it will anything but. Yes being my own "boss" will mean I run to my own schedule, but ask anyone who's set up the own successful business and they'll testify to the hard, HARD graft that they've put in to make it happen. And that's what I’ll need to do too. There will be little if any room for ill-discipline from now on. Missing sessions won't just mean not doing so well at my next race, it will mean not getting PAID at my next race! There will be no room for looking out the window on a cold, wet windy day and deciding not to do my 100 mile ride....because I just don't feel like it.

So how will I be filling all this time then? Well my training plane will be expanding a little resulting in my training up to 33 hours a week. Yes I KNOW it’s not a 42hr week most people work, but trust me, that will be more than enough. Look at it another way, that's nearly 5 hours of train a day, every day, day after day. On top of that training will come probably the most important use of this extra time....recovery i.e. sleep! This might sound like laziness, but it’s vital if I'm to be able to ask my body to do this amount work. Getting off my bike after 85 miles and needing to do a 15mile run just won't be possible day after day (my training won't be this repetitive) without making sure I'm sleeping a total of about 12 hours a day.

So with all this in mind the first goal is Clearwater, Florida and the World Half-Ironman (70.3) Championships. This is in mid November. Hopefully some of the benefits of full time training will have taken effect by then. If I can perform well there, then not only prize money, but extra sponsorship and race funding support will all make my life as a professional much easier (in other words I’ll be able to feed myself ha ha)

My next blog will be as a full time athlete :-) no doubt I’ll be moaning about the rubbish British weather, but deep down I’ll be loving it!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Perseverance and faith DOES pay off......

Anyone who knows me (and/or reads this blog at all) will know that my Achilles heel in racing has long been my swimming. Ever since I started in this sport, I've lagged behind most people in the first part of any race. The higher the level I've competed at, the more this has impacted my races and results. It doesn't matter how well u ride and run at elite level, if your swim isn’t any good u don't stand a chance. It’s even more important in the shorter Olympic distance races where drafting is allowed.

I have many targets for my training and race performance; some short, some medium and some long term goals. One of the big ones that I've put down at the start of each year since 2004 has been "swim an open water sub 20 min 1500m". In elite races the best in the world do it in about 18 ish mins... I've been used to coming out in about 22-23mins, effectively making my race over before it’s begun. So my short to medium term, realistic (I felt) goal was to get this down to 20 mins. Many people felt it was a waste of time and that quite frankly, with swimming being such a "feel" and "skill" based sport, out of my "late starting" reach. I however have always believed that I could. If I'm ever going to be truly competitive with the best in the world, it HAD to happen simple as that.

Now I've been working very hard to achieve this over the last 3 years. I've seen some improvement for sure, with my time dropping to the high 21min region but it’s been slow progress. Its taken days and days, hours and hours of work....10's of THOUSANDS of lengths in pools. Still though it wasn't happening as quickly as I wanted or needed if I was going to get to the level I believed was possible, any time soon. However despite all the evidence suggesting it really wasn't possible and that I should settle for mediocrity I've persisted and truly believed that I COULD do it and more importantly WOULD do it. Most importantly, I've spent hours praying about. I know that god hears these prayers and I believe that he answers ALL our prayers though maybe not in quite the way we expect, or quite when we'd like it either. But I trust that he knows only the best and isn’t limited by my small thinking. If I'd not done the training then I don't for one second believe it would have "magically" happened, but God doesn't always work like that. Often the answers to prayer come slowly and require us to do stuff (which undoubtedly God helps us to do as well).

In this case I've been hugely blessed in the last 3 months to hook up with Alex, my new swim coach. He is doing a masters under my coach (Bridgette Swales) at Roehampton Uni. and it turns out that Alex is a Greek Olympic swim coach :-)) Completely for free he's worked with me on my swimming every week for this time. Despite the mountain he no doubt felt we had to climb when we first started working together he's helped me move from "drowning rat" impersonator to "looking like a proper swimmer" and actually feeling like I was too. However u choose to look at it, he's had to help me and I've had to do the hard graft to make the improvements but I truly believe that this has been an answer to prayer.... Heck how many people have you heard of who just happened to get an Olympic level coach devote their time and energy to them, for free! If I was a rower, it would be like getting Sir Stephen Redgrave’s coach to help me out!

Last Sunday I did a 1500m (just under a mile, or 60 lengths in your local pool) open water swim race. For those who don't know, open water means outside but not in a pool. In this case it was Eaton colleges rowing lake. There are no lines at the bottom of the lake to follow (like in a pool). The water isn’t crystal clear, yes there are fish and probably duck pooh in there somewhere but what you gona do ;-) I've got a big race coming up this weekend where many of the best guys in the world will be racing and it’s been pointless for me to do it for the last 2 years simply because my swim was too bad to make it worth my while. Last Sunday I swam a time of 20.15 mins! Not only was this a HUGE new PB for me, it was also well within my limits (i.e. I feel I could have definitely gone faster). I can't begin to tell you how satisfying this is and also what I means potentially. For the first time I can look at the best in the world and believe that one day soon I’ll be able to compete properly with them. It also gives me great encouragement that all this time working towards the goals I have hasn't been wasted and delusional dream chasing.... I can now see, not just believe, the reality of my goals.

Whilst I'm not some religious nut who wants to bash a bible round people’s head (I’ll leave that to those dodgy satellite channels ha) I know that none of this has happened or will continue to happen without my faith, dependence and trust in God. It will continue to take more work, more time, more focus to reach my next target (19 mins) but I know that through God all things are possible and that someday soon I’ll be writing another entry into this blog describing achieving that goals too. When this happens, the Olympic dreams suddenly start to become VERY VERY realistic!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Training stuff first.... Woke up this morning and my pulse was down under 30 beats a minute.... That's VERY LOW and a good indication that I'm pretty tired (from training) right now. This is a good thing though and it feels good to be back in this place again. It’s very satisfying to know that you’re doing the training, your bodies working hard but you can keep going. I knew this would happen about now as I’m on week 5 of a 6 week training block. This would normally be the easy week in my 5 week cycle, but with London Tri just over a week away, not being a massive priority I decided to stretch myself a bit. Partly to see how I race carrying fatigue and partly because I'm targeting the national champs in September as my next goal, so London is more about testing stuff out.

Not least of which will my swimming. It continues to feel better and better by the week. The work I’m doing with Alex is really helping & for the first time ever I’m optimistic about my performance in an Elite race swim. There will be some of the fastest swimmers in the world at this race for sure, but if I can see the magic 20.xx on the clock when I come out the water I’ll be overjoyed. That's been a massive target of mine for a long time.

Apart from that, training continues to go well. My nasty run session with my coach on Tuesday had to be altered slightly in order to finish it and keep the quality. with the tiredness in my body, it was no real surprise, but I backed it up with my favourite long hilly ride of about 90 miles in a time I was pleased with. This is the kind of stuff that tells me the "zip" I said was missing, is now coming back. I actually feel strong again. With 7 weeks until the nationals, this fills me with great excitement.

So to the main subject....

The other day I wrote (but didn't post) a blog about balance. Not physical, but life(style) and the choices we make that effect it. On the way to work this morning I read something that reminded me of so many things, its impossible to put them down in one post... Probably in less than 10 ;-) I’ve been mulling over the ins and outs of my training and racing, recent failures and general unbalance that I’d allowed in my life & its impacts. But the letter in a Tri magazine I read this morning brought home to me what is ACTUALLY important....

"I have lost so much in the last year. However within our memories are also all the reasons we have for not doing things: I am too old, too fat, too out of shape. I don't have the time. What if I suck? What if I'm too slow?

One thing I do know is I have the time I have today. It is all I will remember and I'm going to remember it by doing something I cannot ever forget, whether it is getting married, running a marathon, doing my first triathlon or going to school. I have forgotten all the reasons not to do it"

Made me realise what balance truly is. It’s not making sure you plan everything better, accommodate everyone & their needs more, or satisfy you own needs more. Though undeniably those things can help make up "balance".... But I think true balance comes from knowing down inside that what you are doing, today, right now matters.... It counts; it will make a positive difference to you, your world or someone else in it.

Carl Lewis (great American sprinter) once said that "it’s not quite true to say 'you CAN be anything you want to be' but rather 'you WILL be what you want to be." By this he meant that the decisions we make reflect what it is that we truly want and therefore define if we are balanced or not. We might say we want to do something, but if we don't make the choices to move us towards that then actually, deep down its not what we REALLY want.

This simple concept has really challenged me in the last week or so. What do I want and do my choices result in actions that move me towards that. There have been some pretty tough questions to answer and maybe some answers I didn't like..... But then I have the power... To make new choices that can change this.... It’s ALWAYS my choice!

Some of these choices might not make sense to others right now, or even for years or more but if they move me toward the goals that I believe are important then they have to be made. I'm pretty sure that the more I try to ensure that my choices fall in line with this, the more balance will come back into the equation.

My final thought on it all and my new tag line when making choices "it’s not about being efficient, it’s about being effective"

Monday, July 02, 2007

Finding the Silver lining

As you’ll probably have read my last two races haven't gone according to plan. It was interesting re-reading my pre-race blogs before both. My comments about lacking "zip" make a lot more sense now than they did then. I've spent a long time thinking it all through (that can also be read as sulking ha ha) and trying to work out why my performances in both were SO FAR OFF what I expect and wanted.

I got over the "doubts" very quickly. Looking back at race performances from last year helped with that, though it did take a little while to convince myself I'll admit. So having restored my belief that it wasn't that I simply couldn't do any better, it was then a case of what had gone so wrong. I analyzed the way my races had both panned out.... Swim OK/good (better than before in the UK races case); bike in both was average and below what I'd expect and the run in both had started well but fallen apart after about 30 minutes.... But why? The reason I decided, was that I just wasn't STRONG when I stood on the start line. That was why I felt no "zip", that was why my normally strongest discipline - the run, had let me down so badly and that was why I'd fallen so far short of my (I thought) reasonable expectations for both races.

As soon as I said it to myself I knew I was right, but why in the middle of my season when I should be in peak STRONG condition....wasn't I?

I went back over the past few months training and realized one glaringly obvious fact... I'd got complacent. I'd taken the easy option too often, I'd cut training sessions short too many times or even skipped them....too tired, too many things to do...."oh it won't matter all that much"....but clearly it had! I wasn't feeling strong and zippy because I hadn't done what was needed to actually make me strong and fast. I'd made the plans to, don't get me wrong. But when it came down to it too often I hadn't made the choices that backed up these plans. On paper it should have been fine, but my execution wasn't. To be honest the fact that I'd managed to finish 14th and 12th in those 2 races surprises me when I realise now just how unfit I've let myself get. And this is the first bit of silver lining to the cloud. Since getting back into training and trying to address the things I feel I've done wrong in the past few months it’s only confirmed my suspicion.... This is a good thing. I'm quite excited to have 5 months until my goal for the year comes (Florida World Champs in November) and having this kick up the backside will hopefully be a positive thing and serve to give me the motivation I need to keep going all the way until then. I know what happens now if I slack off.... If I toe the line in Florida in anything other than top shape, then this WHOLE YEAR will have been a waste of time triathlon wise.... I'm not about to let that happen.

The other bit of silver lining to the recent "cloud" is the fact that (as I just mentioned) I've still managed to qualify for the worlds. I did in the race in California, but sadly couldn't stay to pick up my slot at the awards ceremony. Whilst I didn't get the slot automatically in the recent UK race, it wasn't taken by any of the other 11 pro's who finished ahead of me, so I gratefully took it! :-)

So whilst the manner in which I got it isn’t how I'd like, I've still got it and this was the main target for this point in the season.

Now it’s down to the next 5 months. No slacking off, taking the easy route and getting complacent! I want to get fast again and I can't wait for it :-))

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Gearing up for UK 70.3

It’s Thursday evening and I’m the train on the way home from a pretty full day at work. It’s often hard from me to remind myself that I’ve got a hugely important race coming up in 2 days.... I always feel a bit annoyed really as I know I should really be at home resting and getting everything sorted for it; as it stands I’ve not been able to anything done yet.

The good news is that Sigma (my main equipment sponsor) has agreed to replace the bike I had broken last year until mine can hopefully be fixed. This is great news as the course on Sunday REALLY doesn't suit my aluminum TT bike. The super lightweight carbon "Nemesis" will be perfect for those nasty hills!

Training has....well just be moving along I guess. I just don't seam to be able to hit a peak though. I feel solid and fairly fit but I just feel like I’ve not got any zip... I'm having to trust that this will come on Sunday morning and that it’s just a case of the taper leaving me a little sluggish. I'm looking forward to the race though as I’m anticipating feeling this zip and being able to REALLY race, and execute the race properly this time too.

I'm still working on my swimming with Alex and there are definitely improvements. I have a length or 2 that feel great. The first few on Tuesday felt really good, but thereafter my lack of real swim strength with proper technique takes over and my stroke gets sloppy. I can feel it physically and also in the speed and efficiency that I swim but it just becomes so hard to keep it. However, it’s encouraging to know that it IS there. I just need to keep working at it. I've not been consistently swimming longer harder sessions more recently and I’m confident that when I do my technique and strength will improve in line with the work I’ve been doing. 6 weeks is the next target. I've entered London Triathlon Elite. It’s likely to have a lot of the top guys from around the world there due to the prize money and I’m desperate to be able to swim well enough to feel its worth racing too. 20mins is the goal. Right now I recon I’m at about 21.... It might not sound like much but trust me that minute is HUGE! In both effort to improve enough to go that fast and also the difference it makes to my race.

I've decided that whilst I’ll have an easy week next week after this weekends' race, the swimming HAS to be maintained.... If not upped! I heard one former world champion the other day say that he was swimming up to 30 miles a week when he won his title..... That's probably about 6miles a day (whilst biking and running too) if u allow for a rest day.... To help you grasp that, it’s nearly 10,000m a day or 400lengths of your local pool!....each day....consistently day after day week after week.... Looks like I’m going to REALLY start smelling of chlorine :-))

That's all for now...trying to keep this one more about training that anything going on in my head... I'm sure my last little rant was enough of that!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Well things have been ticking along nicely since California. I was pleased with the result there although I’d always want to come higher (than 9th). For a race SO early in the year and genuinely felt it was a platform from which we could build a really solid and hopefully break-through year of results.

Switzerland 70.3 is looming on the horizon now and for once it’s my bike that feels a little out of sorts. I raced Eaton last Saturday and managed a nice solid win, but the most encouraging thing was my swim. For once I came out the water "in touch" with the fish (well only 30s down instead of the previous 60-90s). At last I genuinely feel like my years (that’s no exaggeration) of hard work in the pool are starting to get me somewhere.

I'll be the first to admit that not all this time and effort has been used to maximum effect, buts its all part of a journey that's getting me to where I want to be. Never during this time have I doubted myself or the possibility that my dreams couldn't one day become real. Though there have been a few (that I’ve known about) people who have thought me naive and arrogant its simply been miss-interpreted self belief. I genuinely feel that if you truly believe and more importantly COMMIT to that belief and what it’s going to take to get you there, then anything is possible. Don't get me wrong, I’m still a long way off, but the journey hasn't stalled and I can firmly see the destination.

A large part of this confidence comes from my faith as a Christian, faith in God for whom nothing is impossible; faith in the plan he has for me and the person he wants and can make me. I recently preached on the choice that we have to accept the reality that God wants to give us and how important and POWERFUL this choice is. Take a listen to here more on it; one of my catch-phrases is "you always have a choice even if u don't have control". When people realize and live this out it can be a very powerful thing. When its done with God in a persons heart it can be world changing.

OK so I delved into the self-opinionated philosophical stuff I said I’d try to avoid in my blog, but for once I think it’s worth it.

Back to triathlon then.....

Well as I was saying, I feel in the best swim form ever (so far) and my running is at its normal pre-race level. Looking at the course in Switzerland I honestly think I can run a 1h15 (despite going up those horrible stairs 3 times). If I can execute a swim that I feel capable of right now, this should leave me well in the mix come the end of the race!

With all the hard work that me and bridge have put in for the past 3 years it’s nice to at last see that it was worth while. This will by no means be my fastest ever race, but I’m confident it will be the fastest I’ve ever raced before.

If you’re reading this from my facebook page, check out my website as well... Especially my main sponsors Sigma and Orca!

More to come soon.

The unknown

Well switzerland is now only a matter of days away and its about this time before a big race that the mental side has to take over. I've never been one for a big taper (easing back on training to rest & prepare for a race) but i'm still learning all the time and i'm trying back off way more than i've done before races last year. This leaves u feeling odd in all sorts of ways......

You get used to the regular feedback from each session. How fast you were, how far you went etc. Without realising it you easily get attached and possibly reliant on these things...sometimes just to fill your life with 'something' sometimes to feed your confience and value. Neither is a good thing in my opinion and i'm working at seperation from attachemnt to these things.

All that aside the "hole" that appears during a taper week does inevatively lead to self questioning. I'm trying to remind myself that the training has been going well and that the plan me and Bridgitte have is a solid one. It can be hard though to put your trust in something that's not there until u really have to test it. I'm feeling really quite tired mentally as well which i'm sure isn't helping either so I really need to try and resolve this, this week. Its going to be a fairly intense couple of weeks as far as focusing on races goes so we'll see how everything is come June 18th.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Progress / The talent out there

Before I get started, thought I’d mention my first cover-shoot of a Sports Magazine… sounds better than it actually is (you’d only know it was me if you were told… which is what I’m doing now of course) but its still a big first for me. Check out 220Triathlon this month and if you can see past the bubbles... you'll see my ugly mug on the cover ;-) I'm also in one of the swim articles inside... with a nice pasty white November tan (the picures were taken last year)!

Last week saw me repeat my regular (every 5 weeks) testing on the bike and run – swimming to be added next time I think. And it was a good week for me and bridge to analyse what we’ve been doing since Christmas and where it leaves me heading into California. I’m very pleased to say that it looks like all the work we’ve been doing has had the desired effect……

My 3k run time improved again, though only by a tiny amount. However, I feel stronger running at pace now and genuinely feel like I’m capable of running the kind of times I want to over my various race distances… in particular California on March 31st.

On the bike, things took a bigger up-swing with my VO2 max wattage and CP20 & CP60 (threshold or MLSS for those of you that use these terms) both going up after last months plateau. In both modes of transport, I’m back to my peak of last year and its really encouraging to be here so soon in the season and gives us a great deal of confidence that come Florida in November I can be exactly where we want to be in order to get that top 10 finish. For me, it makes all those HORRIBLE sessions where I’m running myself to the edge of my limits, seam worth while at last. I’d be gutted if all of that PAIN had ended up counting for nothing ha ha!

I’m not 100% sure what the course at California is like, but I know from the numbers we’re seeing right now that I’ve got a sub 2:10 bike time in my legs at a level that will allow me to then run possibly under 1:14 off of this (if the run is flat…?) If I can execute this properly on the day of the race, then I can’t wait to see what happens!!!

The talent out there…………….
I went to a gig in London last night with some friends from church. We saw a couple of people play in a band, who one of my friends knew from her school days. It’s a while since I’ve seen live music and especially in such a small venue, but it struck home to me a few things beyond simply the good music.

It can be very easy in the life I lead to think that the world revolves around triathlon, sport etc. The focus and single mindedness that I try to maintain is not a bad thing, but it can lead to me forgetting that for other people, there is far more going on…. And as I remembered last night, there are A LOT of people out there who have phenomenal talents in a variety of different things. Two of the bands playing last night were fantastic… I mean, REALLY GOOD… to the point where I’m sitting there wondering how they’re not on a label and selling singles by the 1000’s….. to see people so dedicated to something that they clearly love so much and have been blessed with talents that allow them to do what they do… in something COMPLETELY different to the world I live in was so refreshing.

I think it’s important that I try to keep this outlook on things. It can be all too easy for me to fall into my little world and forget that there’s a whole big world out there full of people with passion and gifts for all kinds of things, that to them, are just as important as my triathlon is to me. It puts it all into perspective, whilst at the same time reminding me that my journey in pursuit of achievement in sport and I guess life in general, isn’t the isolated little struggle it can often feel like.

Doing what I do, as many other people who do triathlons would no doubt testify to, can very often result in peoples easily offered admiration. For some reason, most people seam to think that all of this is beyond them (in reality, I firmly subscribe to the “you can do ANYTIHNG” school of thought). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this is a bad thing, we all like to hear these kind of things said to or about us at the end of the day; but its easy to let this suck us into thinking that our dedication, focus and often sacrifice, is something that only we actually know and appreciate and live out. In actual fact there are people everywhere applying often the same principles, focus and sacrifice to their own lives in pursuit of other dreams that in their eyes are bigger than anyone else true knows or appreciates.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Early season form

Since my last post, there’s been more of the same going on in my life really… with maybe a couple of new things….. but we’ll save that for now ;-)

I’ve been as A LOT recently how my training has been going and its been difficult to say really. To my delight, my running continues in an upward trend. For the first time ever, I genuinely feel that a 15:xx 5k time is possible at my test race…. The Bushy Park 5k ( This would mark a MASSIVE milestone for me and my running and to be hitting this so early this year as well, I hope, bodes well for my running throughout 2007. My target of a sub 1:15 half marathon on a 70.3 race would be far more realistic if this kind of pace were possible. We’ll know come this weekend as I plan to run it again. My last result of 16:19 was a PB, but I KNOW (my training data shows it) I’m running faster now, than I was back then. 19seconds is a big jump to make, but going on last weekends race (Milton Keynes Winter Duathlon) my ability to run this fast is definitely there….. I’ll let you know how I get one.

On the subject of the MK Duathlon, it was GREAT to get out and race again. There were some really good other chaps there racing (some Olympic hopeful Loughborough Performance Plan lads) who I’ve raced a little before. It was a great opportunity to gauge myself against them again and also compare my fitness and speed to this time last year. Being able to track improvements (or not if that’s the case) and make changes is imperative to me achieving my goals, so races like this act as great “yard sticks” for this. In a nutshell (well I’ll try to anyway Lol) I felt great on the first run, and was much faster than last year, hanging onto the Loughborough lads too. I rode hard, which was the plan as I’ve not been getting enough of this recently (and now is the time to be ramping it up for California) and came off the bike in FIRST, however the worlds most AMATURE transition then ensued… let me explain…. The bike was 12 laps and whilst Big-Cow (the race organisers) do everything they can to make sure people get this right, in the heat of “battle” the brain often ceases to function properly. I found myself passing the end of each lap, clicking my counter and within about 15 seconds asking myself “….did I click that lap?.....” this resulted in me starting what I thought was my last lap only to look behind me and see Dan and Mark heading into transition to start the run!!! Without thinking I jumped off my bike (still wearing my pyro-platforms) leaped through the cones into transition through my bike wherever I could and tried to pull off the pyro’s… completely missing out on the whole advantage of wearing them in the first place (i.e. FASTER transitions off the bike!). I set off on the run now only a couple of meters in front of 2nd & 3rd instead of 10-20 seconds… but something STILL wasn’t quite right…. I soon realised I forgotten one other thing in my comedy transition… my HELMET…. I was about 30m into the run and STILL WEARING IT!!! What a CLOWN ha ha! I threw it down to one side and carried on, but Dan was now breathing down my neck and my legs were still not enjoying the change back to running (a good sign that I need to start my Brick sessions ASAP). H passed my and my legs didn’t want to respond. The remainder of the final 4k run saw me gradually feel better as I went , but the early damage had been done and I came home, feeling strong, but down in 3rd.

All in all it was a really good session and very encouraging for me. To feel this good (personally) this early in the year bodes well and if I can really nail the next 4 weeks leading up to California, I genuinely feel like my targets for this race are possible.

I’ve had to re-asses my priorities again and keep things in check recently. When targets seam far away, it can be easy to let things in the present slip just a little. Over time this “just a little” soon adds up to A LOT and particularly with regards to my swimming, I’ve not been focussed enough recently. As this is my biggest weakness, this is not good and so new weekly targets and focus are being brought back into my training to ensure I get back to where I need to be. 5-6 LONG swims a week are going to be a MINIMUM for the next 4 weeks leading to California. Doing this, I know a decent (for me) swim is possible and with my bike and run targets now feeling realistic this will put exactly where I want to be when I cross the line.

That’s all for now. Hope you’re enjoying doing whatever it is you do.
God bless

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Early 2007

So its well into 2007 and things move on so quickly. After some quality time off back in November / December I started to easy back into things over Christmas and am now well and truly in the full swing of things. This is kind of unusual for me at this time of year, but with my first important race – California 70.3 coming at the end of March, I’m looking to be peaking earlier than ever this year.

The 70.3 world series of races is really gaining momentum now and fields are stacking up with top athletes. Right now at California the likes of Chris McCormack (ITU World Champ and 2nd @ Hawaii last year), Luc Van Leard, Richie Cunningham, Clas Bjornson…. Are all down to race…. Personally I CANT WAIT to put myself up against these guys…. There’s no point in setting targets and goals to just hide away when the really BIG boys come to the party. Its now just a case of buckling down and making sure I’m in the best shape possible come the 31st March.
Elsewhere, things are generally going well too. I’ve thought for a long time that I’d love to head to warmer climes for an extended winter training camp (as so many athletes do) but my life back home just doesn’t lend itself to this anymore. The church I’m heavily involved with ( is a commitment I neither can or WANT to back away from. Gods doing some pretty awesome stuff there right now and I know I want to be right in the middle of it all. Whilst it does sometimes makes for longer days (less sleep) than is contusive to proper recovery and training, God’s getting me through amazingly… some nights of 4 hours sleep on the back of 5-6 hours training don’t seam to do the damage they should….. its REALLY COOL! So even if I were to be able to “go pro” and not work anymore (hint hint to any sponsors out there) I know I wouldn’t be heading off anywhere other than Guildford now!

What this has meant though is that most of my training has been done indoors. But you know I’m convinced that this is actually making me stronger. Mentally it requires a lot of will power to keep going when the kitchen stocked with food is right next door and you’ve still got 90mins left to go on your turbo ride. But physically too, I feel that its leading to greater improvements. My running is heading to new levels with the work I’m doing with Bridge (I’ll write more on this soon) and my target of running a sub 1:14 21k in a 70.3 race this year is looking like a distinct possibility… we’ll just have to see how things progress.

So all in all, the start of the year has been a good one. I’m keen to try and get my blogging up to scratch and post regular updates, so pop back soon and catch up with more of where I’m at.