Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The unknown

Well switzerland is now only a matter of days away and its about this time before a big race that the mental side has to take over. I've never been one for a big taper (easing back on training to rest & prepare for a race) but i'm still learning all the time and i'm trying back off way more than i've done before races last year. This leaves u feeling odd in all sorts of ways......

You get used to the regular feedback from each session. How fast you were, how far you went etc. Without realising it you easily get attached and possibly reliant on these things...sometimes just to fill your life with 'something' sometimes to feed your confience and value. Neither is a good thing in my opinion and i'm working at seperation from attachemnt to these things.

All that aside the "hole" that appears during a taper week does inevatively lead to self questioning. I'm trying to remind myself that the training has been going well and that the plan me and Bridgitte have is a solid one. It can be hard though to put your trust in something that's not there until u really have to test it. I'm feeling really quite tired mentally as well which i'm sure isn't helping either so I really need to try and resolve this, this week. Its going to be a fairly intense couple of weeks as far as focusing on races goes so we'll see how everything is come June 18th.