Monday, July 02, 2007

Finding the Silver lining

As you’ll probably have read my last two races haven't gone according to plan. It was interesting re-reading my pre-race blogs before both. My comments about lacking "zip" make a lot more sense now than they did then. I've spent a long time thinking it all through (that can also be read as sulking ha ha) and trying to work out why my performances in both were SO FAR OFF what I expect and wanted.

I got over the "doubts" very quickly. Looking back at race performances from last year helped with that, though it did take a little while to convince myself I'll admit. So having restored my belief that it wasn't that I simply couldn't do any better, it was then a case of what had gone so wrong. I analyzed the way my races had both panned out.... Swim OK/good (better than before in the UK races case); bike in both was average and below what I'd expect and the run in both had started well but fallen apart after about 30 minutes.... But why? The reason I decided, was that I just wasn't STRONG when I stood on the start line. That was why I felt no "zip", that was why my normally strongest discipline - the run, had let me down so badly and that was why I'd fallen so far short of my (I thought) reasonable expectations for both races.

As soon as I said it to myself I knew I was right, but why in the middle of my season when I should be in peak STRONG condition....wasn't I?

I went back over the past few months training and realized one glaringly obvious fact... I'd got complacent. I'd taken the easy option too often, I'd cut training sessions short too many times or even skipped them....too tired, too many things to do...."oh it won't matter all that much"....but clearly it had! I wasn't feeling strong and zippy because I hadn't done what was needed to actually make me strong and fast. I'd made the plans to, don't get me wrong. But when it came down to it too often I hadn't made the choices that backed up these plans. On paper it should have been fine, but my execution wasn't. To be honest the fact that I'd managed to finish 14th and 12th in those 2 races surprises me when I realise now just how unfit I've let myself get. And this is the first bit of silver lining to the cloud. Since getting back into training and trying to address the things I feel I've done wrong in the past few months it’s only confirmed my suspicion.... This is a good thing. I'm quite excited to have 5 months until my goal for the year comes (Florida World Champs in November) and having this kick up the backside will hopefully be a positive thing and serve to give me the motivation I need to keep going all the way until then. I know what happens now if I slack off.... If I toe the line in Florida in anything other than top shape, then this WHOLE YEAR will have been a waste of time triathlon wise.... I'm not about to let that happen.

The other bit of silver lining to the recent "cloud" is the fact that (as I just mentioned) I've still managed to qualify for the worlds. I did in the race in California, but sadly couldn't stay to pick up my slot at the awards ceremony. Whilst I didn't get the slot automatically in the recent UK race, it wasn't taken by any of the other 11 pro's who finished ahead of me, so I gratefully took it! :-)

So whilst the manner in which I got it isn’t how I'd like, I've still got it and this was the main target for this point in the season.

Now it’s down to the next 5 months. No slacking off, taking the easy route and getting complacent! I want to get fast again and I can't wait for it :-))