Wednesday, April 19, 2006

getting "out there"

so I’m through most of the training for this mini EPIC camp I’ve been doing. sadly today sees me back at work. I’ve managed to do the swim this morning, should get a run in at lunch and then another 3k swim this evening, to at least keep things ticking over until the weekend. would love to be able carry on all this week, definitely something to plan for later this year i think.... maybe if i qualify for Florida.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised with my body. It’s taken the training fairly well....a lot better than my head which has been the hardest part to keep going. It’s funny how it reacts, justifying excuses that would normally not get a seconds consideration. i always feel better once I’m "out there".... its the battle to get "out there" that's often the hardest part. I’m sure almost everyone can sympathize in some way, whether it be starting that report for work or tidying up the house... its always harder to start than to keep going once you HAVE started. keep having to tell myself this.

oddly enough i don’t seam to be falling into my little fatigue hole i thought I’d be in by now.... i actually feel quite energized by the last few days.... a good thing too as i was 77kg's this morning!!!.... I’m told it’s to be expected due to water retention, but still came largely as a shock ha ha. I’ve had plenty of time to think about lots of stuff over the last few days and yet much of it has been almost sub-conscious as I’ve just been "out there" turning the pedals or putting one foot in front of the other. one thing that has become clear though is that I’ve been a bit too lazy over recent months and too easily accepted less than the best from myself. only this week have i got back the feeling of strength and pleasure from body that i felt back in 2004 when i was training full time. less time now, is NO EXCUSE for me to drop away from this though and some serious re-prioritization is needed. how i go about this or maybe more importantly, making sure i don’t drop back into old sub standard habits isn’t quite clear, but i know that in order to really progress, to put myself where i want to be and believe i can be, nothing less than what I’ve been doing these last few days will do.

funny how sometimes we can get moments of clarity and things just...... well, seam simple. I’ve seen this again with my training this and last week. I’ve been a bit too anxiously over thinking... maybe seeking complex (apparently better) options (or should that read shortcuts/excuses) in recent months i can now see. all the while the basic training philosophies I’ve really needed have been there, things i know but have just forgotten in the mess of strategies, protocols etc..... 1. NO EASY WAY and 2. JFT (stands for Just Flipppin Train - well my version anyway ha ha). I’m looking forward to getting back into these mentalities again and most importantly I’m excited again about what i can achieve with this season.

N.B. added at the end of the day.... well back 2 work what a long day it’s been. cramming as much info as possible and spending too long staring at the screen has left me feeling worse than all the training over the last few days. not to mention having t miss my run.... i really don’t like these days when things seam to take over my priorities..... and end up causing problems. i might try to run when i get home, but i suspect an early night might be a better option with the early training I’ve got planned 4 tomorrow..... (hmmmm....... another excuse or a genuine good decision.... where lies the balance i wonder???)